Did you receive your invitation, General?

We’re just in time for the grand opening of the Brewmasters Artisanal Shop!

With a huge grin, King Denas raised the majestic Sword of Elynie and called, “Let the fun begin!”.  In one swift motion, he sliced through the bright ribbon, and the crowd erupted in cheers. The doors swung open, inviting everyone to dive in.


Sheepy: “Congratulations on the inauguration! How's business shaping up?”

Obelax: “Thanks, Sheepy! With King Denas here, we’ve got a full house! And it's not only local Northeners—customers are flocking in from all corners of the Kingdom: Linireans, elves, dwarves, and yes, even a few zombies!"

Sheepy: “How is the Northener Independence going since signing the treaty?”

Halfdan the Blunt: “It's going quite well! We’ve formed a Council of Elders with both men and women from various clans, each democratically elected to support our autonomous government.”

Obelax: “The Council decided to make the Battle Brewmasters Artisanal Potion Shop the official meeting place for all their gatherings! After all, a little potion fuels collaboration...


Sheepy: “That’s wonderful news! So, what are your goals for the future?”

Obelax: “We’re setting aside part of our production in case the Alliance needs us again soon. You know us... we always save some for battle! But we also have our sights set on expanding—if this shop does well, we hope to create a franchise of Brewmasters Craft Shops across the Kingdom. ”

Halfdan:  “But before you go, Sheepy… how about you take a sip… if you dare!”


As I wrap up this chapter of Interviews, dear readers, I must say it has been a joy to share these jorney with you—from the formation of the Alliance to the hard-won victory over the Overseer. 

But fear not, this isn’t farewell! Your favorite ovine reporter will be back in action, microphone in hoof, ready to cover whatever thrilling tales the Kingdom throws my way next! 

Until then... Sheepy out!

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