Welcome, General, to this week's interview with the Alliance ranks!

I must admit I’m anxious about this one. The voidmancer Therien is as powerful as she is eerie—her mere presence unsettling. She barely spoke to anyone at the Alliance camp, and the whispers about her were simply terrifying. 

Her knowledge of the Void and the Overseer dimension is crucial for the Alliance’s success, so let’s meet this enigmatic hero who saved us all!

Sheepy: “Hello Therien! We finally got a chance t-”

Therien: "You stare at mere shadows when the void is right behind you..."

I turned, startled to find the actual Therien behind me, staring down at me with knowing purple glowing  eyes. I knew I should waste no time.

Sheepy: “What led you to the path of voidmancing?”

Therien: “ While my brother infiltrated the cult as a spy, I sought to understand the darkness we would face. I knew we had to delve into the cult's source of power if we were ever hoping to dismantle them.”

Sheepy: “So, you embraced the void to fight it?”

Therien: “Indeed. The void holds unfathomable knowledge, but it tests you. Most who attempt to face it go insane when the void stares back.. but I learned to harness its strength. With every lesson, I grew closer to confronting our enemy.”

Sheepy: “What will you do now that the Overseer is defeated?”

Therien: "Now that the threat is no more, I will continue to harness my grasp, guarding against any future threats that may emerge. The sky is not the limit, little sheep. See that you remember that.”

Phew! The interview is over. When your ally is a voidmancer, you have to “watch your back”. But enough about the dark and mysterious! 

Next week, I’ve got an exciting invitation to the grand opening of an artisanal craft potion shop. I can’t wait to snag an interview with the brewmaster himself.

Sheepy out!


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