As the day of the final battle approaches, Vesper and Raelyn are on a quest to recruit fresh troops to strengthen the Alliance. Who will answer their call to arms to fight the Overseer, and save the Kingdom?


Contest Details

  • Publish your Art on Social Media: Share your creation on Instagram, Facebook, X, Tiktok, YouTube, Bilibili, Discord, or Reddit using the hashtag #AllianceTower

  • Fill out the Submission Form: This is an important step, don’t miss it, or we will not see your entry! The deadline is July 21st. 




 Dark Army - Loyal to Lord Vez'nan and under Raelyn's command, the Dark Army is a formidable coalition of sinister creatures. From cunning Goblins and Demons to savage Orcs, eerie Specters, menacing Skeletons, and other twisted entities, they unite under the banner of darkness.


 Linirean - Pledged to King Denas, the noble Linireans, guided by the courageous Vesper, embody the essence of honor. Comprising resilient Humans, sturdy Dwarves, graceful Elves, and ancient Arboreans, among other revered beings, they all unite under the banner of the lion.



Our game devs will pick the winners based on the creativity of their designs. There will be a total of 10 winners, 5 for each category.  They'll be announced on our YouTube Channel live stream on July 23rd. Each will receive a key for Kingdom Rush Alliance on the platform of their choosing upon release.


Frequently asked questions


Will you add the winners to the game? 

No. The real addition is the fun and creativity along the way!

Are multiple entries allowed?  

Yes, they're all welcome! Send as many as you like in different forms.

Can I go for multiple categories? 

When you submit your entry you must choose between Dark Army or Linirean. To participate in a different category, you must submit a new entry.

Can the submission be digital art? 

Yes! Traditional, digital, and video - we welcome them all.

Can I use an Artificial Intelligence image generator? 

No, the entry must be your work. 

Can my entry be anonymous? 

Sure. Just leave the credit name blank on the form!

Can I send anything other than a tower? 

This contest is specifically for tower concepts, so entries unrelated to Kingdom Rush Alliance tower concepts will not be valid.


By submitting your entry you agree to the Terms and Conditions and understand your data will be processed following our Privacy Policy.