Due to the recent worldwide events regarding Covid-19 and the fact that in most countries people are requested to stay inside of their homes, we at Ironhide Game Studio, want to contribute to making that indoors times a little more fun.

Starting today and until the 22 of March, Kingdom Rush Frontiers and Kingdom Rush Origins will be free for iOS and Android. Download them now and keep them forever.

In Ironhide Game Studio we believe and love our players and community and want you to be safe.

You can download the game here:


Frontiers 👉 ironhi.de/b/2w3dsNT

Origins  👉ironhi.de/b/2IUQlaI


Frontiers 👉ironhi.de/b/2IOsBFd

Origins  👉ironhi.de/b/2wZLe6I

Spread the word #ForTheKingdom